New York, NY.
New York City isn’t just a city; it’s an idea—a projection of our fantasies and desires.
NYC can squeeze a lifetime into a year.
It is the greatest in the world and has taught me some of the most important, valuable, and beautiful things this world has to offer.
NYC taught me that your environment can and will shape who you are and how you approach just about everything.
NYC has a reputation for many things — and being one of the toughest cities in the world is one of them. But like searching for your great love, if it was easy, everyone would do it.
NYC is the one place you don’t ever have to grow up.
The people who live here operate on the pleasure principle. They do what feels good and are wary of having to deal with any sort of compromise.
Well, that’s because, in NYC, you just don’t have to.
NYC has no ceiling.
NYC has taught me that no matter what, there is always a way.
New Yorkers are feelings junkies. When we walk out of our door in the morning, we want our brains to be assaulted by inspiration.
Burning the candle at both ends still fills us with an intoxicating combo of joy and dread.
We are like a strange mix of resilience and ultimate fragility.
We are the type of people whose anxieties propel us forward.
Anxiety is what forced us to move here; anxiety is what landed us our first great job.
We’re always moving closer and closer to where we want to be, even if it doesn’t always feel that way.
We are the most sensitive assholes you will ever meet.
I love New York and am sad to leave, but I am so grateful for what it gave me.
I ❤️NY.